
both directives in element

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have a list on which I show several elements and I can drag them to reorder them, and if I drop one in another one is supposed to nest or do whatever.

Angular says

Error: [$compile:multidir] Multiple directives [drag, drop] asking for new/isolated scope on

I'm looking into it, hopefully to come up with a solution, but it looks like something that's useful, being able to have both directives in an element.

Couldn't you just use two different nested elements?

<div drag>
  <div drop> ... </div>

I ended up doing that, had an area where the element is dragged from, and another one where it can be dropped

Going to rewrite the logic this weekend, going to remove the isolated scope, Could messup badly =)

Should have sold all the issues now and preventing future issues with scopes etc.

See new Readme/Exampel page for setup.
