
[Bug] Add back command to set up verification buttons

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Idk how, but somehow it got lost when switching from Commands to SlashCommands

Inspiration can be taken from:

public class ButtonCommands : BaseCommandModule
private readonly IButtonManager _buttonManager;
public ButtonCommands(IButtonManager manager)
_buttonManager = manager;
[Description("Deletes all button interactions on the message")]
public async Task RemoveButtons(CommandContext ctx, [Description("URL of the message")] string url)
DiscordGuild guild = ctx.Guild;
DiscordMessage? message = await DiscordHelper.FindMessageFromLink(guild, url);
if (message == null)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Couldn't find message with link: {url}");
await _buttonManager.RemoveButtonsFromMessage(message);
catch (UnauthorizedException)
await ctx.RespondAsync("Error: You can only edit messages by this bot.");
DiscordEmoji reactEmoji = DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":+1:");
await ctx.Message.CreateReactionAsync(reactEmoji);
[Description("Marks message as verification message")]
public async Task SetupButtons(
CommandContext ctx,
[Description("URL of the message")] string url
DiscordGuild guild = ctx.Guild;
DiscordMessage? message = await DiscordHelper.FindMessageFromLink(guild, url);
if (message == null)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Couldn't find message with link: {url}");
await _buttonManager.SetupVerificationButtons(message);
catch (UnauthorizedException)
await ctx.RespondAsync("Error: You can only edit messages by this bot.");
DiscordEmoji reactEmoji = DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":+1:");
await ctx.Message.CreateReactionAsync(reactEmoji);

In case we proceed with a plan discussed in discord to change the way verification works, this might actually be a fix that would be useful just for one app version and then removed with potential rewrite. I am thus removing it from todo for the next version.