
Telegram Bot with IB Tinkoff partial functionality created as part of the Tinkoff Fintech School. Created by pakondratyuk and VecnaSecrets

What can it do:

  • Authorize user via phone number in Tinkoff
  • Get user's balance and 10 last card operations
  • Get current rates for different currencies

Commands to interact with bot:

  • /rates or /r - to get currency rates
  • /balance or /b - to get current balance
  • /history or /h - to get last operations
  • /help or /h - for help


sbt assembly - produces fat tinkoff-bot.jar

Run Singleton mode

java -jar tinkoff-bot.jar

Run Cluster mode

Requires: at least 1 master node and 2 worker nodes seed nodes are configured on - 2553 About: TelegramUpdater - is singleton Actor running on master nodes SessionManager and NoSessionActions are deployed on worker nodes by Router Pools

How to: Start Master: java -jar tinkoff-bot.jar master (by-default start on

Start Workers: java -jar tinkoff-bot.jar worker starts on and random port java -jar tinkoff-bot.jar worker starts on and random port

Additional config

You can control host, port, seed params through Java System Properties Example: java -jar -DHOST=host1 -DPORT=5551 tinkoff-bot.jar master java -jar -Dakka.cluster.seed-nodes.0=akka.tcp://botsystem@host1:5551 tinkoff-bot.jar worker