
PinCalloutTappedCommand is not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

PinCalloutTappedCommand is not being invoked (tested on Android).

I too am seeing this behavior (in Android - not tested yet in iOS). Using the Sample code, instead of the output showing the Title of the pin selected, all I see is the following:
01-27 10:46:41.680 I/ViewRootImpl(28825): ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
01-27 10:46:42.482 I/ViewRootImpl(28825): ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN

Thank you.

This should work, altough there is indeed a mistake in the samle code.

To clarify, the PinCalloutTappedCommand is only invoked on tap of the info window, not the marker itself.

If you set a Title and Description on the Marker the info window will show.

Excellent - thank you Jan. I changed the parm from to like you did in the Sample app and now it works great! This can be closed now as far as I'm concerned.