
Zooming and Panning issue within ScrollView

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am not sure if this is an actual issue or just 'the way it is', but if I wrap a basic stack layout with a scrollview, and inside that stack layout is a UnifiedMap, then the map loses all vertical pan and zoom capability (via pinch). Note that this ONLY fails if the content height of the layout is greater than the vertical dimension of the scroll view, meaning, it only fails if the scroll view has some vertical scrolling it can do. In crude terms, it would appear that the scroll view is 'stealing' the touch actions and using them to scroll (or not) the scroll view, and so the underlying map never gets (or reacts to) those vertical events. If I comment out a bunch of xaml so that the map + other stuff fits on the layout without needing vert scroll, then the map pans and pinches vertically just fine. Horizontal if good, since the scrollview only scrolls vertically.

I understand that most use-cases would have the map 100% on its own page, and thus not have a problem with this, but, there are cases where, say on a 'detail' page of a person, or an event, you want to include a small map widget to visually display the location of that person or event.


This can be closed. I was unaware of a property in the ScrollView that would 'fix' this issue: InputTransparent="True". Once set everything works great.

Thanks again.