
[Feature] Create `search_report` model with new `SEARCH_KEYWORD_STATS` and/or `SEARCH_TERM_STATS` tables

fivetran-jamie opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there an existing feature request for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Describe the Feature

In September we added theSEARCH_KEYWORD_STATS and/or SEARCH_TERM_STATS pre-built reports, which are selected by default in the connector schema. I haven't looked at the ERD or data too closely, but at first glance it seems like we can leverage these reports to create a google_ads__search_report model. Ideally, this would passed to the downstream ad_reporting__search_report end model

How would you implement this feature?

Transform these tables similarly to all the other _stats tables. Not sure what the difference between search terms and search keywords are, but I wonder if we'll union/join these two together and add a type field that is either keyword or term

Describe alternatives you've considered

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Are you interested in contributing this feature?

  • Yes.
  • Yes, but I will need assistance.
  • No.

Anything else?

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there's also the new click_stats and LANDING_PAGE_STATS tables