
Freshness checks fail for sources whose tables are excluded from sync

Closed this issue · 4 comments

We have disabled the email events with hubspot_email_event_enabled: false because we're not syncing them. The freshness test doesn't seem to have been disabled though as we get this error message:

Database Error in source email_event (models/src_hubspot.yml)
  relation "ft_hubspot.email_event" does not exist

Is there a way to stop the table from being freshness tested? I can't overwrite it with null like I could if I controlled the schema.yml file.

We also disabled another table (contact_property_history) after initially enabling it, and I suspect that this table will also start appearing as stale sometime soon.

hey there @joellabes -- i think we've come up with a neat solution for this. could you run freshness tests using the following branch of the package to test it out? if hubspot_email_event_enabled is set to false, freshness tests should "pass" for disabled source tables

# your project's packages.yml
  - git:
    revision: disable_freshness

hey just pushed a release of the source package with this fix! the transform package already references the most up-to-date version of the source package, so you should automatically see this fix next time you run dbt deps

Hey @fivetran-jamie this is great, thanks! Sorry for the late reply - I was on leave. Will let you know if we run into any issues 🌟