
:hourglass: Loading available accounts and permission sets...

haru-mamburu opened this issue · 0 comments

App showing Loading available accounts and permission sets... if var.config is empty and no accounts found. Logs:

    "level": "ERROR",
    "location": "request_wired_func_wrapper:30",
    "message": "Failed to run an internal function (The request to the Slack API failed. (url:\nThe server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'invalid_arguments', 'response_metadata': {'messages': ['[ERROR] `options` or `option_groups` must be specified [json-pointer:view/blocks/4/element]', '[ERROR] `options` or `option_groups` must be specified [json-pointer:view/blocks/5/element]']}})",
<img width="532" alt="Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 18 03 31" src="">

    "timestamp": "xxx",
    "service": "slack",
    "xray_trace_id": "xxx"

Perhaps we should tell the user that no accounts are configured?