Corpus of data automatically shared with Apple by a standard installation of OS X Yosemite.
- EnvoHungary
- voidiusEurope
- bleeqNew Zealand
- chris78664
- packwidthColumbus, OH, USA
- BIGjuevosSanta Cruz, CA
- Unksi
- jamjr
- tsudoko
- glvnstZZ9 PLURAL ZA
- mykaozFrankfurt/Main
- MWarsh
- wandrollCastres
- alesssiaTurin, Italy
- sampeterson2Orange County, CA
- nheeren
- spinhead
- mk2soldier
- insmell
- billhibazzz
- gkgrl
- IfihtArlington, VA
- UliZappe
- chrisvwxCA
- DomT4United Kingdom
- Fisch-42
- korobkoff
- zealot-research
- jx890
- kryptptLisbon
- bretello
- BaldriZug / Switzerland
- FoolreLLC Sublayer
- b-casey
- pierssturleyThe Village, Greater Ingsoc
- nikwoodsyOklahoma city