
Please use HTTP error code 400 for bad API requests

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Please consider returning HTTP 400 for bad API requests. Currently, 200 OK is used for both valid and invalid API requests.

What problem does this solve?

Using a more appropriate error code allows for code consuming the API to be cleaner. Currently, the developer needs to check the success property of the JSON response. If a 400 is used, this will no longer be the case.

How will this help consumers of the API?

Usually, HTTP libraries are response-data agnostic and rely solely on the server returning an appropriate status code. Take for example, axios.js:

try {
    const response = await axios.get('<some bad key>');
    if (response.success) {
    } else {
} catch () {

Because the API will currently not respond with a 400, it is necessary to conditionally check success. Furthermore, another call to performSomeErrorAction(...) is present in the catch to handle other network/request problems.

However, if the API responded with a 400 for bad requests the code could be simplified by making using of the single catch:

try {
    const response = await axios.get('');
} catch () {

While this is a Javascript example, the same problem arises in HTTP libraries for various other languages, because of the expectation that HTTP error codes will be used.

Will this be a breaking change for existing consumers of the API?
As far as I see it, no. The success property can still be present meaning that current consumers will not notice any difference, and new consumers can make use of HTTP error codes.

I hope I've been able to explain the issue well.
Is this something that you might consider adding to the API?


Hi Lloyd,

Thank you for your comment. We will definitely consider adding HTTP status codes for the error responses, and I will keep you posted on this here.

Has the API been updated to fix this then?