
time outs

Opened this issue · 4 comments

ulte commented

Anyone else getting timeouts?
Wonder if i'm getting rate limited given there seems to be a few queries inside of 5 seconds. Where would I modify the 5 second timer?

[5/27/2022, 2:29:07 PM] [BlueAir] BlueAir API: error - Time out on BlueAir connection.
[5/27/2022, 2:29:07 PM] [BlueAir] air: getDeviceAttributes failed.
[5/27/2022, 2:29:07 PM] [BlueAir] updateAccessoryCharacteristic failed (redacted)
[5/27/2022, 2:29:12 PM] [BlueAir] BlueAir API: error - Time out on BlueAir connection.
[5/27/2022, 2:29:12 PM] [BlueAir] air: getDeviceDatapoint failed.
[5/27/2022, 2:29:12 PM] [BlueAir] updateAccessoryCharacteristic failed (redacted)
[5/27/2022, 2:30:12 PM] [BlueAir] BlueAir API: error - Time out on BlueAir connection.
[5/27/2022, 2:30:12 PM] [BlueAir] air: getDeviceInfo failed.
fjs21 commented

I have these time outs as well. I'm guessing you have multiple devices? The issue is that every device is queried almost simultaneously and independently. This overloads the BlueAir API and you get a time out. If I introduce a delay to the requests, then Homebridge will timeout and complain that we are slowing down the server. I don't have any easy fix for this at this point in time and while it is annoying it doesn't seem to affect functionality too much. Would be great to get fresh eyes on this problem.

ulte commented

One device. Is there a cfg in a file that I can tweak the timer interval?

fjs21 commented

I'll expose the time out interval in the settings in a future version.

I think this will help with the issues I am having as well.

It gets to the point where I get the post data actually in the logs....

[9/11/2023, 6:15:04 AM] [@fjs21/homebridge-blueair] Body {
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