
Remove brightness control?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there
Many thanks for having developed this plugin.

Hoping you can clarify where the Feature Options (as shown on WebUI) are defined? It refers to Projects page but I can’t see anything there.

Also, is possible to disable brightness control? It’s of minor importance and the brightness read-out clutters up the Home interface. In fact, it would be nicer if single-tap switched the unit on/off and tap&hold brought up fanspeed slider. Right now every action requires min. 3 taps.

Also would obviously be nice if the fanspeed control could be a 3 step slider rather than one with granular control…but I presume Home doesn’t support that…?

Thanks again - great plug-in!


fjs21 commented

I'll take a look at adding an option to hide/remove the LightBulb accessory (i.e. brightness). You are right, it is largely unnecessary. One approach is to ungroup the accessory in Home and then you do end up with a simple AirPurifier accessory.

Ah, hadn’t realised it’s a grouped accessory! Ungrouping has addressed most of points I raised. Thank you.