Ability to change font-family
bogdansoare opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Is there anyway to change the font-family?
Or maybe let it inherit from the body and not set it as sans-serif
I don't know why I didn't think about it before. Thanks @bogdansoare for the suggestions.
Hey @bogdansoare,
Actually, it can already be done:
For all toast:
<ToastContainer toastClassName={css({ fontFamily: "Times New Roman, Serif" })} />
Per toast:
toast(content, {
className: css({ fontFamily: "Times New Roman, Serif" })
Anyway, I'll probably allow to set it via the style helper.
Feature released.
Hi @fkhadra . I use style hepler to set font family for ToastContainer but it doesn work: <ToastContainer position="bottom-right" autoClose={3000} hideProgressBar={false} newestOnTop={false} closeOnClick rtl={false} pauseOnVisibilityChange draggable pauseOnHover transition={Zoom} style={{ fontFamily: 'Patrick Hand, cursive' }} />
I using google font Patrick Hand for the body. Please help me
Put styles in CSS class adn apply it with toastClassName='className'
didn't work. Which css()? I have one in Chakra. Doesn't work. Why can't this be normal scss modules?
Hi @fkhadra . I use style hepler to set font family for ToastContainer but it doesn work:
<ToastContainer position="bottom-right" autoClose={3000} hideProgressBar={false} newestOnTop={false} closeOnClick rtl={false} pauseOnVisibilityChange draggable pauseOnHover transition={Zoom} style={{ fontFamily: 'Patrick Hand, cursive' }} />
I using google font Patrick Hand for the body. Please help me
Thankyou... this has been helpful to me.. :)
Hey @bogdansoare,
Actually, it can already be done:
For all toast:
<ToastContainer toastClassName={css({ fontFamily: "Times New Roman, Serif" })} />Per toast:
toast(content, { className: css({ fontFamily: "Times New Roman, Serif" }) });Anyway, I'll probably allow to set it via the style helper.
A better way to do it would be to override the css variable "--toastify-font-family"
ref - https://fkhadra.github.io/react-toastify/introduction/
If you want to inherit from body you can do:-
--toastify-font-family: inherit;
Or if you like to override it then:-
--toastify-font-family: Serif;
put :
.Toastify__toast-body { font-family: 'FONT-NAME'; }
in your .css file
In my case, I needed to use my project's font, so I just use "inherit"
, and it inherits from the body