
Issue, cypress parallel jobs not being marked green.

joegaudet opened this issue · 7 comments

Hey, tried out your actions, set them up as expected and they seem to work great. However I'm using cypress with parallel runs to speed up testing, and as a result those required checks are not being marked as having passed.

Any thoughts?

Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 4 45 22 PM

I also see these skips here, not sure if they are working to mark the flow green as well.

Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 4 46 39 PM

fkirc commented

In my experience, GitHub accepts required checks that have been skipped.
This means that you should be able to merge the PR in your screenshot.
In other words, if your skipping-logic is doing something sane, then you can treat skipped checks as "passed" checks.

fkirc commented

In general, parallelized checks shouldn't be a problem for this Action.
The newest release contains a concurrent_skipping option. If concurrent_skipping is set to false, then parallel workflows won't be skipped.

Nevertheless, the concurrent_skipping option is more about entire workflows.
If we are talking about individual jobs or steps, then it is doable to place multiple copies of skip-duplicate-actions within a single workflow.
Alternatively, a single pre_job can be used to skip multiple subsequent jobs.

fkirc commented

One example that might be helpful is the following workflow of GitHub docs:

They have a rather complex test-setup, and they are using skip-duplicate-actions to optimize GitHub's own documentation-workflows.

fkirc commented

Perhaps this is related to my problem with "matrix testing": #56
Right now, I believe that one additional if per step is needed in order to support "matrix testing".