SvelteKit Rest Parameter Matching Demo

Demo of SvelteKit's rest parameter matching when multple rest parameters are present in the route.

Start the local dev server

npm run dev

Use the sidebar to navigate to one of the nested files.

The links under Rest don't use a parameter matcher. In this case the parameters do not have the expected values:

URL: /rest/foo/-/src/routes/rest/[...repo]/-/[...path]/+page.js

Actual result:

Params have the following values

  • repo: foo/-/src/routes/rest/[...repo]
  • path: [...path]/+page.js

Desired result:

Params have the following values

  • repo: foo
  • path: src/routes/rest/[...repo]/-/[...path]/+page.js

The links under Rest with parameter validator use a route that ensures that repo does not contain /-/. This has the effect that SvelteKit renders a 404 page.

URL: /rest/foo/-/src/routes/rest/[...repo]/-/[...path]/+page.js

Actual result:

SvelteKit renders a 404 (repo and path are not set)

Desired result:

As above.