
E2Guardian Docker integration for Kid's safe access to Internet

Primary LanguageMakefile

KNF Guard : secure WWW for kids

Build Status


KNF Guard is a Docker HTTP/HTTPS filtering proxy appliance based on :

In order to be efficient, the applicance must be connected to a secure search enabled DNS server that enforces Google SafeSearch, Bing secure, Youtube restricted modes and others.



A Linux x86/64 PC with Docker 17.09-ce or newer installed and running.

Main engine

Proxy engine can be deployed with the following command :

docker run -t --name proxy -d -p 8080:8080 fkocik/guard

Then docker start the engine at boot time with your favorite init system.

You can then deploy a firewall and configure your children's navigator to use your Linux PC as WWW Proxy on port 8080 for all protocols.

Special notice about SSL

In order to allow SSL web filtering, the proxy will make a Man In The Middle attack : so you must extract the /etc/e2guardian/certs/ca.crt certificate from the proxy engine (docker cp proxy:/etc/e2guardian/certs/ca.crt .) and install it as a Trusted Certificate Authority in each of your children navigator.

Note that this certificate is generated at build time. If you want to preserve it when updating the image, save it in the host system with its key (/etc/e2guardian/certs/ca.key) and run new version with :

docker run -t --name proxy -d -p 8080:8080 \
  -v /path/to/ca.crt:/etc/e2guardian/certs/ca.crt \
  -v /path/to/ca.key:/etc/e2guardian/certs/ca.key \

Log analysis

In order to make good control of your children browsing activity, you can deploy a FluentD log collector using the fluentd.conf sample configuration provided in this repository.

For example, the forwarder used in this sample configuration writes collected data in a 3 nodes Elasticsearch cluster to allow data mining through Kibana (see fluentd-plugin-elasticsearch for more details about using FluentD with ElasticSearch).

To externalize log file, starts the proxy engine with a named log volume :

docker run -t --name proxy -d -v guardlog:/var/log -p 8080:8080 registry:5000/guard

Then mount guardlog volume in a FluentD container using the sample configuration:

docker run -t --name loggrabber -d \
  -v /path/to/confdir:/fluentd/etc \
  -e FLUENTD_CONF=fluentd.conf \
  -v guardlog:/fluentd/log \