
Improve sprite detection

Opened this issue · 1 comments

flaki commented

Improve detection of sprite dimensions in the editor.

  • Add support for inline (non-commented-out) sprite sizes:

    PROGMEM const unsigned char sprite[] = {
     0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

    (check for decimal integers in first two bytes, check if the rest of the bytes checks out length-wise with the hint, and if yes, use as dimensions hint but discard first two bytes while creating the pixel bitmap)

  • Add support for sizing multi-frame sprites properly:

    PROGMEM const unsigned char sprite[] = {
     // width, height
     6, 8,
     // frame 0
     0x38, 0x38, ...
     // frame 1
     0x00, 0x00, ...

    (initially, just make sure these work, later add animation/frame-by-frame editing in sprite editor)

  • Add frame support and frame-by-frame editing for multiframe sprite data in the sprite editor
    (see above)

  • Add UI in the code editor to manually specify/adjust the detected dimensions of a sprite without altering its actual source code.
    _(possibly store these hints int permanent storage and re-load them once files are reopened, key by environment - filename, declaration signature etc.)

  • Add binary constant support (these formats also usually hint at sprite dimensions):

    PROGMEM const unsigned char sprite[] = {
  • Improve sprite dimension detection for unhinted images by trying to guess from usage
    (search source code, and try to find drawImage commands/similar patterns that use the defined image and specify image dimensions)

  • Further improve declaration parser

    static PROGMEM const byte title_sprites[64 * 2 * 3] = { ... }

    Accept static, also both unsigned char and byte, ignore length specifier between the brackets (or maybe use it for sprite hinting)

    The PROGMEM pragma could be all over the place, like after the variable name:

    extern const unsigned short data[] PROGMEM = { ... };

    Also there might be a space before the [] specifier:

    const unsigned short data [] ...
flaki commented
static PROGMEM const byte title_sprites[64 * 2 * 3] = { ... }

The above image sprite is 64 x ( 2_3_(8) ) = /*64x48*/ in dimensions. 64 could be used to guess the width, then the rest can be calculated from byte_count / 64 * 8.