Query with pattern + options doesn't take options into account
Cimballi opened this issue · 3 comments
Cimballi commented
It looks like the following query doesn't take the options "i" into account = case sensitive
{ "xxx_field_name_xxx": /^true$/i }
But the following query does take the options "i" into account = case insensitive
{ "xxx_field_name_xxx": { $regex: /^true$/, $options: "i" } }
Both works when directly executed on MongoDB.
michaelmosmann commented
@Cimballi which mongodb version do you use in your tests? (this tool does run a real mongodb, so i guess it's an mongodb version issue).
Cimballi commented
It seems to be a Spring Data Mongo bug, thanks !
michaelmosmann commented
@Cimballi wish you luck:)