
Flashbots Community Call Agenda

CarboClanC opened this issue · 0 comments

Flashbots is an open research collective, and is committed to iterate in the public. This is our first monthly Community Call, where we share the latest progress, and how as a developer, researcher, miner, DeFi trader / bot operator in the ecosystem can get involved.

Flashbots Community Call & MEV Searcher Workshop
Time: 9am PST / noon EST / 5pm UTC on Mar 4, 2021
Conference Link | Slides | Flashbots Calendar

1. Flashbots Progress Update (30min)

2. MEV Searcher Workshop (30min)

  • Investigate existing blocks created by Flashbots, compare with conventional blocks
  • Directly using the two Flashbots-specific RPC endpoints: eth_sendBundle and eth_callBundle
  • Live demonstration of a 0-gas-price compromised account token rescue

3. AMA