

ixiaoyi93 opened this issue · 0 comments

kafka 插件配置如下:

# # collect interval
interval = 15

# !!! uncomment [[instances]] to enable this plugin
# # interval = global.interval * interval_times
interval_times = 1

# append some labels to metrics
# cluster is a preferred tag with the cluster name. If none is provided, the first of kafka_uris will be used
labels = { cluster="prod-rock-warehouse",env="prod",service="zookeeper",instance="" }

# log level only for kafka exporter
log_level = "error"

# Address (host:port) of Kafka server.
# kafka_uris = ["","",""]
kafka_uris = ["","",""]

# Connect using SASL/PLAIN
# Default is false
# use_sasl = false

# Only set this to false if using a non-Kafka SASL proxy
# Default is true
# use_sasl_handshake = false

# SASL user name
# sasl_username = "username"

# SASL user password
# sasl_password = "password"

# The SASL SCRAM SHA algorithm sha256 or sha512 as mechanism
# sasl_mechanism = ""

# Connect using TLS
# use_tls = false

# The optional certificate authority file for TLS client authentication
# ca_file = ""

# The optional certificate file for TLS client authentication
# cert_file = ""

# The optional key file for TLS client authentication
# key_file = ""

# If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
# insecure_skip_verify = true

# Kafka broker version
# Default is 2.0.0
# kafka_version = "2.0.0"

# if you need to use a group from zookeeper
# Default is false
# use_zookeeper_lag = false

# Address array (hosts) of zookeeper server.
# zookeeper_uris = []

# Metadata refresh interval
# Default is 1m
# metadata_refresh_interval = "1m"

# Whether show the offset/lag for all consumer group, otherwise, only show connected consumer groups, default is true
# Default is true
offset_show_all = true

# If true, all scrapes will trigger kafka operations otherwise, they will share results. WARN: This should be disabled on large clusters
# Default is false
# allow_concurrency = false

# Maximum number of offsets to store in the interpolation table for a partition
# Default is 1000
# max_offsets = 1000

# How frequently should the interpolation table be pruned, in seconds.
# Default is 30
# prune_interval_seconds = 30

# Regex filter for topics to be monitored
# Default is ".*"
# topics_filter_regex = ".*"

# Regex exclude for topics to be monitored
# Default is "^$"
# topic_exclude_regex = "^$"

# Regex filter for consumer groups to be monitored
# Default is ".*"
# groups_filter_regex = ".*"

# Regex exclude for consumer groups to be monitored
# Default is "^$"
# group_exclude_regex = "^$"

# if rename  kafka_consumergroup_uncommitted_offsets to kafka_consumergroup_lag
# Default is false
# rename_uncommit_offset_to_lag = false

# if disable calculating lag rate
# Default is false
# disable_calculate_lag_rate = falseroot

配置是按照插件 README 配置的,大部分保持了不变。现在只有 kafka_brokerskafka_broker_infokafka_scrape_use_seconds。如果没有指标,应该都没有才对。