Dynamic pricing charging
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Hi there, and thanks for creating this awesome blueprint.
Lately I've switched to a dynamic contract, and would love to add the possibility to charge the car when the price is at a certain point.
I'm thinking about adding it to your blueprint, and setting a PR. But I'm not sure if this messes to much with your original intent of this blueprint.
Let me know if your open to this change, or if I can better fork this into my own blueprint.
Thinking about this a bit longer, and it might be easier to create a new automation that:
Trigger: When hourly price changes
Choose 1:
Condition: When price is below or equal to set maximum
Action: Set charge amps to max
Action: toggles the "charge from grid" switch on.
Action: Trigger your script.
Choose 2:
Condition: When price is above to set maximum
Action: toggles the "charge from grid" switch off.
You need price triggers. Better to be a separate script. Closing case.