
Release the latest version of the library to pypi

veselin-angelov opened this issue · 13 comments

Hello, as the title says the latest version of the library is not on pypi and cannot be installed with pip. The latest version on there has a bug in gmapjs.html (on line 41 a comma is missing).
I would be really thankful if you release it on pypi as I am trying to deploy an app with this library on heroku.

Please note that the latest release is wrongly tagged, I think @Riverfount meant instead.

That must be wrong. The author and maintainers (@rochacbruno, @Riverfount, and @getcake) all have recent online activities (GitHub, Twitter, etc.).

yup totally alive here, new release is in the works.

There's now a deprecation warning for from flask import Markup, it would be great to put out an update that resolves this.

Coming here because same happened after Flask moved into 3.0 this dependencie its broken :(
There's now a deprecation warning for from flask import Markup, it would be great to put out an update that resolves this.

To survive for a while just use markupsafe and remove it from flask

from flask import Blueprint, g, render_template
from markupsafe import Markup

If there is a PR that can meke it work with all versions of flask I am happy to merge and release.

   from flask import Markup
except ImportError:
   from markupsafe import Markup