
[RFE] TODO list for turning this into a Flatcar App

Closed this issue · 1 comments

t-lo commented

Current situation

Automation largely works but is based on Ubuntu, so the OS won't self-update after provisioning. Also, there's no way to provision w/o manual interaction with the instance afterwards.


Provisioning needs manual attention.

Ideal future situation

Deployment is fully configurable before provisioning, provisioning is automated for Flatcar. OS and Sysext update concepts are integrated and allow for customisation (maintenance windows).

Implementation options

  • Basic automation for provisioning on Flatcar
    • Automation uses system jitsi system user, /opt/jitsi exclusively.
    • Automation is self-contained, i.e. does not need to check out this repo on the node
    • Automation cleans up installer (this repo) after successful installation.
  • Automation gaps are closed
    • Set-up script identifies host IP address and passes it to Jitsi config
    • Set-up script waits for hostname to resolve to host IP before starting installation.
      This allows orchestration to create a DNS entry for the freshly deployed host w/o race condition with Jitsi's ACME cert request.
  • Automation is customisable, uses templates / env vars
    • hostname and letsencrypt email
    • optionally the Jitsi version to deploy
    • optionally user and password (default to jitsi and auto-generation)
    • optionally banner, logo, and watermark (skip if not present)
t-lo commented

Mostly done, closing.