
Setup a translation workflow

Closed this issue · 5 comments

  • Get something like weblate going
  • Configure it to get/push to this repo
  • Add weblate to README

Please check in advance whether your project is eligible for gratis project hosting on this site.

  • Translated content has to be released under a license approved by OSI or recognized as libre by FSF. (See #248)
  • All the source code has to be publicly available in a supported version control system.
  • Translations have to be in the same repository as the source code, or under the same project/organization as the source code repository.
  • Using Weblate has been approved by the upstream project.
  • Mention you use Weblate for translations in the README. It’ll attract new translators and also help Weblate to be free for more projects.
  • The project has had active development for at least three months.
  • You will have 14 days to set up your project.
  • Please request project approval once you finish the setup.

I think that mean, we need to add them to the readme, the other things should be fine from my POV

We should be good now, as of #262 from my POV.

Will you double check @neilmcgovern and push the button?

Magic button pressed, will update here when we get the result.

This is now confimed, so closing this issue