
libbfd-2.32.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error when installing

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I got error about libbfd when I install parsec.

$ flatpak install --reinstall com.parsecgaming.parsec -v
F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak
Looking for matches…
F: extracting extra data to /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak/app/com.parsecgaming.parsec/x86_64/stable/.9bec7799484d2cc98e408ba6e363223c9d4674e24e3914d18669306b658dc546-6NRAX0/files/extra
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak
F: Disallowing ipc access
F: Disallowing network access
F: Running /app/bin/apply_extra 
ar: error while loading shared libraries: libbfd-2.32.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
tar: data.tar.xz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
mv: cannot stat 'usr/*': No such file or directory
F: running triggers from /usr/share/flatpak/triggers
F: running trigger gtk-icon-cache.trigger
F: Running 'bwrap --unshare-ipc --unshare-net --unshare-pid --ro-bind / / --proc /proc --dev /dev --bind /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak /usr/share/flatpak/triggers/gtk-icon-cache.trigger /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak'
F: running trigger mime-database.trigger
F: Running 'bwrap --unshare-ipc --unshare-net --unshare-pid --ro-bind / / --proc /proc --dev /dev --bind /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak /usr/share/flatpak/triggers/mime-database.trigger /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak'
F: running trigger desktop-database.trigger
F: Running 'bwrap --unshare-ipc --unshare-net --unshare-pid --ro-bind / / --proc /proc --dev /dev --bind /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak /usr/share/flatpak/triggers/desktop-database.trigger /home/pluser/.local/share/flatpak'
F: Pruning repo
F: Pruned 61646/0 objects, size 0 bytes
Installation complete.   

And I can't launch parsec.

$ flatpak run com.parsecgaming.parsec
cp: cannot stat '/app/extra/share/parsec/skel/appdata.json': No such file or directory
/app/bin/parsec: line 3: [: /home/pluser/parsecd-150-28.so: binary operator expected
/app/bin/parsec: line 4: /app/extra/bin/parsecd: No such file or directory

I was able to solve the problem by using the following patch, but I am not sure if this solution is good for everyone.

diff --git a/com.parsecgaming.parsec.yml b/com.parsecgaming.parsec.yml
index 5e26871..d8fb473 100644
--- a/com.parsecgaming.parsec.yml
+++ b/com.parsecgaming.parsec.yml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ modules:
       - type: "script"
         dest-filename: "apply_extra"
-          - "ar x parsec-linux.deb"
+          - "LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/app/lib' ar x parsec-linux.deb"
           - "tar xf data.tar.xz"
           - "mv usr/* ."
           - "rm -rf usr debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.xz parsec-linux.deb"

If this is still an issue, please comment. Otherwise, this is being closed