Update keeps failing (2.10.14)
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Dear all:
When I try to update I get the following error:
olaf@olaf-devil:~$ flatpak update Looking for updates... Updating in system: org.gimp.GIMP/x86_64/stable flathub 8003d469b222 Is this ok [y/n]: y Updating: org.gimp.GIMP/x86_64/stable from flathub [####################] Downloading: 3,3 MB/3,3 MB (3,3 MB/s) Error: Failed to update org.gimp.GIMP/x86_64/stable: While pulling app/org.gimp.GIMP/x86_64/stable from remote flathub: opcode close: Corrupted file object; checksum expected='caa81b53ed55fc5b298b5c820a8387372ef2b0c511f9f7b54fcadf1cfdd6dcf3' actual='edc797565295886537fa049cbc39000143e5848f78d75f898c93b5181714b35a' error: There were one or more errors olaf@olaf-devil:~$
I have no clue what I can do about this.
Have you tried several times? With the checksum error, it looks like it could just be a corrupted download (i.e. if you retried, it could work fine).
Other than this I have no idea either. As you can guess, this is not a bug in GIMP but either in flatpak or in the flathub server (or ultimately a MitM, i.e. whatever you are pulling, it's not the GIMP we built). I would suggest to go and ask there.
Write down the flatpak version you are using when you report your issue there.
Did you end up reporting the issue to flatpak or flathub project? Or did it finally work?
Anyway closing this report as this is not a bug within our package. It's something else, and if you still have the issue, report to one of the aforementioned projects.
I lost track of this particular issue. Linux Mint was renewed in the mean time (19.2 -> 19.3). I will keep an eye on it.