
Does not run on my device using expo

jsiddharth opened this issue · 8 comments

I had to run tons of command and fixes to get it working on expo (ubuntu).

//Init expo
sudo npm install expo-cli --global

// Add Expo to existing project

sudo npm add expo --force
sudo npm audit fix --force
//Upgrade SDK to 41
sudo npm install --global yarn --force
sudo npm install --global yarn

//Upgrade to 41 does not work? (/usr/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/@expo/spawn-async/src/spawnAsync.ts:65:13)

sudo npm i -g expo-cli
sudo expo update 33.0.0 // trying 33 first

Also had to add a expo component to my app.json

  "name": "ReactNativeStarter",
  "displayName": "ReactNativeStarter",
  "expo": {
    "name": "My app",
    "slug": "ReactNativeStarter"

Finally I am stuck on some dependent folder that does not exist.

Module not found: Can't resolve '../../Utilities/Platform' in 'react-native-starter-master/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/TextInput'

How did you eventually get it to work?

I did not, I was stuck here. This forum did not offer any support too. Sad.

I switched to React, and realized that node latest version is not stable. Hence on react too I default to older versions. This is something I can try with react native, older versions of "node".

Check out my answer for react here

same still facing this issue after re-install the node.js.
does anybody know how to run an android device any command?

the only possible way to run it on Android is finding old apk version of ExpoGo somewhere. It says that app is using Expo v40 which is not compatible with current ExpoGo client on Android.

It is not working for run android command any suggestions ?

Did anyone here manage to get it up and running?