
Bug in epsilon_K calculation

MJKirk opened this issue · 4 comments

In the meson mixing code, the wilson coefficients (specifically the loop functions) use the quark masses at a single fixed scale.

mt = flavio.physics.running.running.get_mt(par, scale)
mc = flavio.physics.running.running.get_mc(par, scale)
mu = flavio.physics.running.running.get_mu(par, scale)

However, these loop functions get multiplied by the QCD RG correction factors
M12 = - (eta_tt*C_tt) * me_rgi
# charm contribution only needed for K mixing! Negligible for B and Bs.
if meson == 'K0':
eta_cc = par['eta_cc_'+meson]
eta_ct = par['eta_ct_'+meson]
M12 = M12 - (eta_cc*C_cc + eta_ct*C_ct) * me_rgi

where the values used assume the quark masses are mt(mt) and mc(mc) (see the first page of 1108.2036 for eta_cc or section 2 of 1007.0684 for etc_ct).

For the B mixing observables it doesn't make a difference, since they only use the tt coefficient, and mt(160 GeV) is very close to mt(mt).
But for epsilon_K, the difference between mc(160 GeV) and mc(mc) is large, and gives a 20% difference to the numerical value of eps_K.

Since the flavio paramter m_c is already mc(mc) from the PDG, that is easy to fix - just use mc = par["m_c"]
The up mass doesn't matter, since it is so small - I would again just use the PDG value par["m_u"] which is the MSbar mass at 2 GeV.
For the top, as I said before numerically it doesn't matter. But for correctness I think the easiest thing to do would be add a get_mt_mt function to the running module. RunDec has a function (mOS2mSI) to do this, so we can just use that.

I can submit a pull request if you agree with the issue.

Hi @MJKirk, thanks for reporting this! I have to take a closer look at the papers. But I am wondering if, when updating the implementation of epsilon_K, we should directly implement the more recent and more precise results from https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.06822. What do you think?

Yes probably. But that's more than a quick 3 line fix 😆

I would also note that using the current (but fixed) flavio implementation and similar inputs to that paper, you get an uncertainty of about 0.23, close to their 0.18, so I think it would be reasonable to do the quick fix now so flavio is at least correct (if a bit less precise). And then work on the newer formula next

I've made the simple fix to the epsilon_K code here: 68d2a4b, which could be pulled now.

I'm also happy to work on the newer formula, since I have some interest in this being done, but it could easily be next month before I get around to it.

This issue has been fixed in PR #181 (thanks again @MJKirk!) and I created the new issue #182 to remind us of implementing the improved epsilon_K prediction.