Doing online surveys is expensive (did you know that Survey Monleys asks for a yearly payment in order to randomize pages in a form?). This script simply randomizes requests to a preset list of google forms. Easy and hacky way to randomize pages in a form.
Google Sheets is able to randomize questions.
This allows for a somewhat randomized survey.
I needed users to evaluate multiple songs using a web form. The user to song assignment needed to be random. Users could evaluate more than one song.
- Create copies of the same form just changing whatever is needed per copy
- For example, if you need users to tag images, create one form per image
- If you need users to rate songs, create one form per song
- Change the list of URLs in the Python File
- Make sure your form accepts only one answer per email
- I recommend collecting emails
- Add a link to the URL of the website at the end of the form. This way, users can rate other items.
A cookie keeps track of which forms users saw. This + collecting e-mails and setting one answer per form make's sure there are no repeat answers.