
'records per page' selectbox

Opened this issue · 4 comments


thanks for this great plugin. what i want to do is have a select box with values like 5, 10, 15, 20 - for how many records to show in the table.

Can anyone suggest ways/hints to do that?

thanks for help in advance..

I came to the issues page to ask the very same question.

I have struggled to find another control with this feature so implementing it helps this project stand out!


I tried some jquery, and it is working now. please check at your end as well..

add a select box with proper option text and values (e.g. #select1)

I added the same function on document.ready as well as on change of selectbox. and it is pretty much working as expected. This function has been given on this site (http://www.bilalakil.me/simplepagination/comment-page-1/).

so the code is like this:

var selectValue = parseInt(document.getElementById("select1").value);

// Grab whatever we need to paginate
var pageParts = $(".paginate");

// How many parts do we have?
var numPages = pageParts.length;
// How many parts do we want per page?
var perPage = selectValue;
var start = 0;
var end = perPage;
.slice(start, end).show();

// Apply simplePagination to our placeholder
items: numPages,
itemsOnPage: perPage,
cssTheme: "light-theme",
// We implement the actual pagination
// in this next function. It runs on
// the event that a user changes page
onPageClick: function(pageNum) {
// Which page parts do we show?
var start = perPage * (pageNum - 1);
var end = start + perPage;
// First hide all page parts
// Then show those just for our page
.slice(start, end).show();

I tried that in Plunker http://plnkr.co/edit/Bilj8O?p=preview but it didn't look right.
The select box isn't updating the data and it doesn't look themed right.

I'd rather it was implemented as part of the library itself.


here is a plunk with working pagination. The issue with adding it as a part of library is sometimes, we can not detach it from it. for e.g. I want to change the position of selectbox somewhere else, I can do easily this way when it is not a part of the library..
