
Personal fork of the scopefun oscilloscope software

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

ScopeFun oscilloscope desktop

This is based upon the software found at http://www.scopefun.com, with some minor tweaks.

In particular, I've:

  • converted the build system from some weird hand-rolled thing to CMake,
  • removed the vendor code & static linking in favor of using the system's libraries, and
  • deleted the annoying "accept the license" nag screen on every startup


This software uses CMake as the build system. To compile the executable, you'll need the stuff under "find_package" in CMakeLists.txt installed on your system. IDK how this works on other OSes, but in Linux, this stuff can be found in your package manager.

If I haven't fallen behind on updating this readme, that means:

  • SDL2
  • GLEW
  • OpenGL
  • WX
  • libusb

Once you have this stuff, building is fairly typical for cmake:

$ mkdir -p cmake-build-debug
$ cd cmake-build-debug
$ cmake ..
$ make -j$(nproc)


You can try running the program in any directory, but you'll get some cryptic error and it'll immediately crash. This is because it wants the scope calibration files. To fix this issue, make sure that your working directory is resources/ before you start the program.

$ cd resources
$ ../cmake-build-debug/scopefun

udev rules

You don't want to have to run the frontend as root, so add your user to the uucp group (which will also give you access to serial devices), and copy resources/driver/51-scopefun.rules into /etc/udev/rules.d/. Reload udev rules and re-plug-in the oscilloscope, and you should be good to go.

$ sudo usermod -a -G uucp $(id -un)
# cp resources/driver/51-scopefun.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
# udevadm control --reload-rules
# udevadm trigger