
windows build instructions aren't correct / problem building on windows

datgame opened this issue · 0 comments

D:\otherdev\flecs-stuff>bake run flecs-hub/playground
[ build] application playground => '.'
[ 8%] main.c
C:\Users\n\bake\include\playground/bake_config.h(21): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '../../deps/flecs.h': No such file or directory
[ error] command returned 2
cl.exe /nologo /Od -D__BAKE__ -D__BAKE__ /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCGLM_EXPORTS /DCGLM_DLL /DBAKE_PROJECT_ID="playground" /Dplayground_EXPORTS /I C:\Users\n\bake\include /I .\include /c .\src\main.c /Fo.bake_cache\x64-Windows-debug\obj\main.obj /Zi
[ from] command for task 'main.c' failed
[ from] dependency 'objects' failed
[ from] failed to build rule 'ARTEFACT'
[ error] build interrupted for playground in .
[ error] project playground built with errors
[ error] failed to build '.'
[ error] build failed, cannot run