
Using Fledge without GUI

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I am using Fledge on some RPIs in an industrial setting to gather data from sensors and send them to a server. These RPIs are in remote locations so to connect them I am using ssh from my terminal. Fledge works on the RPI when I have it connected to a screen and can setup the North and South via the GUI.
Is there a way to setup and control Fledge on a RPI just using the terminal?

I know that its possible to pass -X with ssh to get a window, but this is too slow as of now.

I have looked through the documentation but it seems all the examples use GUI. If its in there and I have missed it please direct me.


The Fledge GUI does not have to be installed on the same machine as Fledge itself. You could install it locally and then connect your browser to the local machine. You then go into settings on the GUI and set the address of the remove ,machine that is connected to via port 8081. If that port is not open you can create an ssh tunnel and connect that way. E.g.
ssh -N <user>@<remote system> -L 8081:localhost:8081
If doing this then you set the address of the Fledge to be localhost in your GUI.

Hope this helps