
Test other drawing examples

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Currently, our apple example is too homogeneous, i.e., there aren't many interesting differences.

Inspired by http://formafluens.io, please test a couple of other datasets to see if we can find interesting regional clusters of differences. On their website, they highlight these differences as diverging examples. Some promising datasets to test are:

  • teapot (the data is already prepared)
  • banana
  • boomerang
  • ice cream
  • watermelon
  • snowman

For each example please prepare the data using google-quickdraw-embedding.ipynb:

  1. Load the images
  2. Compute their similarity
  3. Compute the umap embedding based on the similarity
  4. Load the images in piling.js
  5. Arrange the images by the embedding
  6. Cluster by overlap (maybe in combination with region) to see if there are any visible differences
  7. Take a screenshot of what you found and attach :)

The fish swims to different directions in different countries

截屏2020-03-18下午6 05 15

Power outlet in different countries

截屏2020-03-18下午7 32 03

Bananas in different countries

截屏2020-03-18下午9 08 17

Snowman. Two snowballs in some countries and three in others.

截屏2020-03-18下午11 17 59

Traffic lights. Taiwan and Japan's are horizontal

截屏2020-03-19下午5 41 11

Watermelon. Slices and the whole one

截屏2020-03-19下午5 45 30

Power outlet:
In North America, it's obviously two holes:
截屏2020-03-24下午2 18 04

In East Asia & Pacific, the images are diverging:
截屏2020-03-24下午2 18 09

In Europe & Central Asia, mostly it's one hole:
截屏2020-03-24下午2 18 16

In North America, the snowman has 3 balls:
截屏2020-03-24下午3 08 45
In East Asia & Pacific, many countries' snowmen have 2 balls:
截屏2020-03-24下午3 09 26
In Europe & Central Asia, it's also 3 balls:
截屏2020-03-24下午3 08 59

Closing this as we've tested a bunch now :)