
šŸ˜µ DEPRECATED āˆ™ SCORM 1.2 API Wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A drop-in replacement for ADL's original SCORM 1.2 API wrapper.


api-wrapper.js includes several changes/improvements that help SCORM 1.2 courses better communicate with an LMS. Overwrite the API wrapper you're currently using with the minified version here - the signutare is the same as ADL's original API wrapper, so you shouldn't need to modify your existing SCORM code.


  • LMS interaction is batched, instead of real-time. LMSSetValue will cache any data you want to send to the LMS. LMSCommit loops through the cache and sends the data. (Why send cmi.core.lesson_location every time it changes, we the LMS really only cares about the last value?)
  • If a learner's status is not attempted, automatically set them to incomplete.
  • Using an interval, check that the LMS connection is still active. If it is, call LMSCommit, if not, throw onLMSConnectionError (which you can define and kick the user out of the course).
  • Automatically handle setting cmi.core.session_time.
  • Refresh the LMS's "Course Status" page on LMSFinish (PeopleSoft ELM only).

At Verizon Wireless, we have a PeopleSoft based LMS, and as with any enterprise software, there is just some general weirdness about it. Our wrapper attempts to deal with that. (As of now, much of this is uncommented, but it shouldn't throw any errors in other LMS implementations.)


$ npm install
$ npm run build

This will output dist/api-wrapper.js, which you can use in your course.


This file attempts to support both LMSInitialize and doLMSInitialize, so the global namespace is very polluted.


Released under the MIT License. Enjoy!