
Setup instructions

ChillerDragon opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Would be nice to add a few commands to the readme that show dependency installation and launch of the application. I assumed something like:

git clone https://github.com/fletcherist/webtrc-voice-chat
cd webtrc-voice-chat
go build
PORT=8080 ./webrtc-voice-chat

Seems like the frontend is still missing.

@ChillerDragon heya! yeah i'm now working on making this project to be accessible for everyone, i want it to be something like starter kit for group voice chatting. i'll add some docs on how to install it in a few hours

p.s frontend is here https://github.com/fletcherist/webrtc-voice-chat-client in another repository (to make deploy process much simpler) everything is working but yet not well documented. working on it ๐Ÿ˜Ž

@ChillerDragon heya! yeah i'm now working on making this project to be accessible for everyone, i want it to be something like
starter kit for group voice chatting. i'll add some docs on how to install it in a few hours

Hi phil,
would you please write readme for how to compiling and how to run backend side?