
ETH FAQ updates 2021-12

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When do payouts happen?

Payouts are checked every hour (for mainnet payouts) or every day (for Polygon WETH payouts) and sent if you meet the payout criteria. We do not predict or promise what minute the payout cycle runs, and it will vary over time.

What is the transaction fee for ETH payouts?

For mainnet payouts (the default), you pay the current gas fee at the time of a payout cycle, if it is below your gas price limit. The price varies, but it is a fixed fee regardless of your payout amount. As an estimate, 100 Gwei would be 0.0021 ETH.

For polygon WETH payouts, the fee is US$0.02 which covers the pool's costs in converting and transmitting the payouts.

These fees are deducted before the payment reaches your wallet.

I am no longer mining, what do I do with my remaining balance?

If you have stopped mining and needed a payout, submit a support request [link to https://www.flexpool.io/support], confirming your coin and payout address, and we can enable a one-time payment.

The minimum one-time payout is 0.005 ETH (but may change with gas conditions).

How can I transfer the unpaid balance to another account?

If you have the keys or mnemonics (usually a 24 word recovery phrase), and if your unpaid balance on the "old" wallet is at least 0.01 ETH, you may sign an Ethereum digital message to authorize the transfer. Contact support for instructions.

This option is not available if you use a hosted wallet like Coinbase or Binance, since we have no way of verifying your ownership of an exchange or hosted wallet.

My exchange has changed my address, how do I fix this on Flexpool?

You should first contact your exchange to see if the "old" wallet address can receive a last deposit and credit your account. Most exchanges do this for a time after changing the address. Some exchanges like Coinbase create a new address everytime you look up your "receive" address, but all past addresses are still linked to your account and can be used.

If you can receive a last deposit to the old address, stop mining to the old address immediately and contact support for help with getting a payout if your unpaid balance is at least 0.005 ETH.

I've lost my keys/mnemonics or my exchange has shut down my account. How can I get my unpaid balance?

First, stop mining to a wallet if you no longer believe you can access it. Then, contact support with a description of the situation and your ETH address. They will let you know if anything can be done.

My payout is confirmed on the blockchain but it is not on my wallet.

You will need to contact your exchange or wallet provider for support. Once a transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, it is permanent and irrevocable, and the pool cannot pay it a second time or withdraw/reverse it.