
Unhandled Exception (includes logs & screens)

sdean7855 opened this issue · 7 comments

Invoke flickr-downloadr, get intro screen.
Config Preferences to all logs
FlickrDownloadr3 2 0 1-UnhandledExeption-PreferencesScreen
Go back to Intro screen, click on Continue, immediately get Exception
FlickrDownloadr3 2 0 1-UnhandledExeption-AfterHittingContinue

Log attached

I have this problem too..

I also have this problem on Mac OSX 10

@cutedaffodil can you help us?

I’m sorry to hear about this issue - but unfortunately I do not use the app anymore and do not have the bandwidth now to look into/fix it.

If someone else can fix it and create a PR, I can merge it in

@cutedaffodil: Pull request #104 submitted!

Thank you, @W1N9Zr0 - this is now merged, pushed, built and available as installers/update.

Can you (or someone else) please confirm that this issue is now resolved?

Latest release works for me on Windows, thanks!