
Query arguments no longer supported

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Seems like in a somewhat recent version query arguments notably (?banner=hide&sidebar=hide) no longer work.

Quickly tracing this I found:

applyUrlQueryStrings in script.js does fire, however something in resetMap() seems to cause it break and thus it never gets beyond that point.... didn't get any deeper than that.

Working OK here. What's the full url you're using? Do you have console log output?



Which has been the case for maybe a year with no issue. Most of the console is boring minus maybe:
/skyaware/data-978/receiver.json?_=1686599433516 404
skyaware/upintheair.json 404

At a glance this is probably due to a missing receiver location.
(It shouldn't break in that case, which is a bug, but that is possibly what changed in your setup)

I've never had a 978mhz antenna, so no change in my setup in a long time.

Okay. Do you get a receiver location dot and range circles when you load the page without a query string?

Negative. But everything else functions. Only error is:

Error reading SkyAware978 receiver.json. SkyAware978 may be disabled

Which is correct/expected.

Okay, so as I mentioned above, the trigger for this is likely that you do not have a receiver location set.