
Dashboard: My Reservations into flight

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On the clients dashboard, the next reservations should be displayed for the current logged in user.
As an additional feature, it should be possible to create a new flight based on the reservation.

section on dashboard implemented. however, creating new flight is not straight forward:

  • we can have reservations for either motor flights or tow/glider flights -> the reservation is for one aircraft only, and we do not have any information about the type of flight in the reservation (might be derivable from ReservationType and/or aircraft type?)
  • same goes for flight type -> similar to reservation type, but probably not the same

Added property FlightCategory to AircraftReservationOverview with enum values:

  • Unknown
  • GliderFlight
  • TowFlight
  • MotorFlight
  • Other

The enum value will be set according the aircraft type and flight type.

Depending on the enum value GliderFlight / MotorFlight you can create the correct flight.