
Select for Instructor in Planing viewe

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The field Instructor is not filtered to only Instructors it shows all Pilots.

Because we changed to display and handle all flight types, we also changed some properties of the reservation details object. We used the property SecondCrewPersonId now for selecting the passenger (for flight types with property IsPassengerFlight=true) as well as for instructors when flight type property InstructorRequired=true and for the last case for pilots when flight type property ObserverPilotOrInstructorRequired=true.

For the first draft, we simplified the implementation and didn't consider the flags of the three flight type properties. But it makes sence, to filter the persons according the flight type selection. But we have to combine motor flights and glider flights persons (or best would be to also consider the flight types properties IsForGliderFlights and IsForMotorFlights).