
Filter persons in person categories

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It should be possible to create person overview filtering for person categories. The users should be able to get a list of current towing pilots, instructors, trainees and other categories. At the moment, the filter buttons like glider instructor, towing pilots, etc. are based on the license of persons instead of categories. So the result is not practical for a list of club members with some specific functions.

Best would be:

  • Club admin should be able to define the favorite buttons or favorit filters for a club based on selected person categories checkboxes
  • user can filter the persons based on the club defined favorite buttons, or filter manually based on his own selection

Added filter properties:

public bool SearchAllPersonsExceptInMatchedPersonCategories { get; set; }
public List<Guid> MatchedPersonCategories { get; set; }

Property public bool SearchAllPersonsExceptInMatchedPersonCategories { get; set; } is no longer needed.

Default will be, that the client sends an empty List with Guid in Property MatchedPersonCategories, the server will return all person records (no filter).

If the user selects one or multiple person categories, the client sends the related IDs in the list and the server filters for these categories.