
Autoreconnect stall

buganini opened this issue · 2 comments

Autoreconnect stops when I

  1. enable airplane mode
  2. onDisconnectCallback (KeepAlive_Timeout)
  3. onDisconnectCallback (Disconnect_Requested)
  4. disable airplane mode

Or sometimes it just stops after disconnection with MOSQ_ERRNO.

Then I set mqttReconnOpts=nil and call reconnect() in onDisConnectCallback,
but connection is never made after Disconnect_Requested, so I changed it to disconnect() and reconnect(), this is power consumptive so I changed it to trigger disconnect()/reconnect() with a watchdog timer instead of in onDisConnectCallback. This works in most of time but once or twice a day, I get infinite Disconnect_Requested.

Finally, renew MQTTClient instance in onDisConnectCallback and watchdog timer emulate reconnection, but the session is of course lost.

I'm using
pod 'Moscapsule', :git => 'https://github.com/flightonary/Moscapsule.git'
pod 'OpenSSL-Universal', '~>'
on iOS 10.

Any suggestion?

Did you try to use latest master branch version?

Yes, I am using latest master branch.