
Could Not Connect with tcp Url

AnuPriya27 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello everyone,

We are developing an application which needs to consume AWS IoT service based on a MQTT protocol deviation. We are currently facing issues to get connected with MQTT broker provided by AWS IoT cloud server.

Following is the environment:

iOS Version: 11.4
Programming language: Swift 4
Library for MQTT: Moscapsule
Steps followed:
1.Set initial config clientid, host, port
2.Set User Authentication.
using the above step my code works fine , when I Connect mqttClient with WEB Socket . I get response from
1 . On Connection CallBack .
2. On Publish CallBack .
3. On Subscribe CallBack.
4. On Message CallBack.
Problems faced:
When trying to Connect with TCP Socket , I didn't get any response .
Any help in this context is highly appreciable.

Thanks in advance.