
mysql客户端登陆失败 [ClientConn] "readHandshakeResponse" "error"

jinjinzhong opened this issue · 3 comments


代码用的最新的 master


2020/10/26 17:04:27 - ERROR - server.go:[386] - [server] "onConn" "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'kingshard'@'' (using password: Yes)" "" conn_id=0
2020/10/26 17:04:51 - ERROR - conn.go:[242] - [ClientConn] "readHandshakeResponse" "error" "auth=[40 109 47 21 22 169 150 81 126 24 113 175 94 28 38 177 111 51 247 161 138 87 182 251 140 58 180 9 193 222 17 87]|checkAuth=[208 212 154 156 191 112 158 114 18 192 32 238 181 116 171 227 209 222 164 228]|client_user=kingshard|config_set_user=kingshard|password=kingshard" conn_id=0
2020/10/26 17:04:51 - ERROR - conn.go:[108] - [server] "readHandshakeResponse" "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'kingshard'@'' (using password: Yes)" "msg=read Handshake Response error" conn_id=10004
2020/10/26 17:04:51 - ERROR - server.go:[386] - [server] "onConn" "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'kingshard'@'' (using password: Yes)" "" conn_id=0


# server listen addr
addr :

# prometheus server listen addr
prometheus_addr :

# server user and password
    user :  root
    password : root
    user :  kingshard
    password : kingshard

# the web api server
web_addr :
#HTTP Basic Auth
web_user : admin
web_password : admin

# if set log_path, the sql log will write into log_path/sql.log,the system log
# will write into log_path/sys.log
#log_path : /Users/flike/log

# log level[debug|info|warn|error],default error
log_level : debug

# if set log_sql(on|off) off,the sql log will not output
log_sql: on
# only log the query that take more than slow_log_time ms
#slow_log_time : 100

# the path of blacklist sql file
# all these sqls in the file will been forbidden by kingshard
#blacklist_sql_file: /Users/flike/blacklist

# only allow this ip list ip to connect kingshard
# support ip and ip segment
#allow_ips :,

# the charset of kingshard, if you don't set this item
# the default charset of kingshard is utf8.
#proxy_charset: gbk

# node is an agenda for real remote mysql server.
nodes :
    name : node1 

    # default max conns for mysql server
    max_conns_limit : 32

    # all mysql in a node must have the same user and password
    user :  root 
    password : zhongjin

    # master represents a real mysql master server 
    master :

    # slave represents a real mysql salve server,and the number after '@' is 
    # read load weight of this slave.
    #slave :,
    down_after_noalive : 32
# schema defines sharding rules, the db is the sharding table database.
schema_list :
    user: root
    nodes: [node1]
    default: node1
    user: kingshard
    nodes: [node1]
    default: node1


mysql -ukingshard -pkingshard -h127.0.0.1 -P9696


ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'kingshard'@'' (using password: Yes)


我也遇到了windows 可以 mac 不行。。。

Did you fix this error? how do you do ? I also have such an error ~

pigjj commented

这里是因为mysql-workbench是采用 mysql.h连接数据库. 这个 kingshard 是不支持的, 原因在于协议. 使用带有 boost 的 xapi kingshard 是支持的. 如果有必须使用 mysql.h的, maxscale 是个不错的选择