
Issue with displaing names in Cyrillic

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Windows 10 x64, With default russian laguage - issue with names

Possible to fix?

When you're running C:\Program Files\FlexASIO\x64\PortAudioDevices.exe, do the devices show up correctly or also scrambled? The GUI basically just picks up the strings the way portaudio offers them up.

Yes, if I run this command from cmd.exe devices show correct names in russian, here is part of output:

Device index: 15
Device name: "Speakers 2 (Realtek HD Audio output with SST)"
Default sample rate: 44100
Input: max channel count 0, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Output: max channel count 8, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Host API name: Windows WDM-KS
Host API type: 11 [WDMKS]

Device index: 16
Device name: "Динамик ПК (Realtek HD Audio output with SST)"
Default sample rate: 48000
Input: max channel count 2, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Output: max channel count 0, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Host API name: Windows WDM-KS
Host API type: 11 [WDMKS]

Device index: 17
Device name: "Микрофон 1 (Realtek HD Audio Mic input with SST)"
Default sample rate: 48000
Input: max channel count 2, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Output: max channel count 0, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Host API name: Windows WDM-KS
Host API type: 11 [WDMKS]

Device index: 18
Device name: "Микрофон 2 (Realtek HD Audio Mic input with SST)"
Default sample rate: 16000
Input: max channel count 4, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Output: max channel count 0, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Host API name: Windows WDM-KS
Host API type: 11 [WDMKS]

Device index: 19
Device name: "Микрофон 3 (Realtek HD Audio Mic input with SST)"
Default sample rate: 16000
Input: max channel count 4, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Output: max channel count 0, default latency 0.01s (low) 0.04s (high)
Host API name: Windows WDM-KS
Host API type: 11 [WDMKS]
[PortAudio] WASAPI: getting Windows version with RtlGetVersion(): major=10, minor=0, build=19041
[PortAudio] WASAPI: Windows version = 5
[PortAudio] WASAPI: device idx: 00
[PortAudio] WASAPI: ---------------
[PortAudio] WASAPI:0| name[Динамики (Realtek(R) Audio)]
[PortAudio] WASAPI:0| form-factor[1]
[PortAudio] WASAPI: IAudioClient version = 3
[PortAudio] WASAPI:0| def.SR[44100] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010159] lo[0.003000]}
[PortAudio] WASAPI: device idx: 01
[PortAudio] WASAPI: ---------------
[PortAudio] WASAPI:1| name[Микрофон (Realtek(R) Audio)]
[PortAudio] WASAPI:1| form-factor[4]
[PortAudio] WASAPI:1| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.001333]}
[PortAudio] WASAPI: device idx: 02
[PortAudio] WASAPI: ---------------
[PortAudio] WASAPI:2| name[Стерео микшер (Realtek(R) Audio)]
[PortAudio] WASAPI:2| form-factor[10]
[PortAudio] WASAPI:2| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.001333]}
[PortAudio] WASAPI: device list ok - found 3 devices
[PortAudio] WASAPI: initialized ok
[PortAudio] after paHostApiInitializers[2].
[PortAudio] before paHostApiInitializers[3].
[PortAudio] Setup called

Hmm. I just installed a virtual device and renamed it to Динамик ПК and it seems to work ok here:

I think it may have to do with the conversion from UTF to Win1252 for the TreeList. Not sure why that fails in your case.

Yes here is my settinngs in Win 10 (default settings for russian release)
PS C:\Users\admin> [System.Text.Encoding]::Default

IsSingleByte : True
BodyName : koi8-r
EncodingName : Кириллица (Windows)
HeaderName : windows-1251
WebName : windows-1251
WindowsCodePage : 1251
IsBrowserDisplay : True
IsBrowserSave : True
IsMailNewsDisplay : True
IsMailNewsSave : True
EncoderFallback : System.Text.InternalEncoderBestFitFallback
DecoderFallback : System.Text.InternalDecoderBestFitFallback
IsReadOnly : True
CodePage : 1251