"You must install .NET Desktop Runtime" -- Already installed
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Apologies in advance for what is probably a banal question. I have installed .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.10 -- find evidence below.
Despite this, application will not start.
Clicking "Yes" causes the application to close. As far as I can tell, no task appears in Task Manager related to the installation.
If there is any more information you need, please do not hesitate to let me know.
The installation folder. (All files within 6.0.10 seem to be present.)
Environment variables, if relevant; neither appears to be set.
I resolved the issue. It had nothing to do with the program itself -- my mistake. It was caused by corrupt registry keys.
If you have this problem, consider using the Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter. Select the option that says you have trouble installing a program, and choose for the program "Not Listed."