[BUG] Solar not feeding home directly
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
Solar not feeding home directly
To Reproduce
Full config code is below, just removed S/N for the Envoy
type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
consumption: sensor.envoy_SERIAL_current_power_consumption
production: sensor.envoy_SERIAL_current_power_production
color_circle: true
color_icon: true
invert_state: true
name: Grid
icon: mdi:transmission-tower
color_value: true
entity: sensor.envoy_SERIAL_current_power_production
color_icon: true
color_value: true
name: Solar
icon: mdi:solar-power-variant-outline
display_zero_state: false
invert_state: false
use_metadata: true
entity: sensor.envoy_SERIAL_current_battery_discharge
display_state: two_way
color_circle: true
color_icon: true
color_state_of_charge_value: true
state_of_charge_unit: W
state_of_charge_decimals: 3
show_state_of_charge: true
state_of_charge_unit_white_space: true
color_value: true
color_icon: true
color_value: true
icon: mdi:home
name: Home
subtract_individual: true
override_state: false
state_type: power
entity: sensor.electricity_maps_grid_fossil_fuel_percentage
name: Fossil
icon: mdi:barrel
color_icon: true
color_value: true
unit_white_space: false
display_zero: true
display_zero_state: false
watt_threshold: 1000
mode: hide
transparency: 50
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kw_decimals: 3
w_decimals: 0
disable_dots: false
max_flow_rate: 5
min_flow_rate: 0.5
use_new_flow_rate_model: true
clickable_entities: true
max_expected_power: 12000
min_expected_power: 1000
Expected behavior
I'd expect solar power to first feed home and battery, and then only surplus going to grid export.
Browser Console Errors
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Multiple, Windows and Linux machines, same issue persists
Please make sure all of this applies and check the checkboxes, by writing "X" inside of them.
I understand that this is a channel for reporting bugs, not a support forum (If you need help configuring the card, go to: Discussions).
I have the latest version of the card installed.
I have cleared my browser cache after installing, updating and configuring the card.
The issue is not related to the UI-Editor not being rendered: "s.entries is not a function". This is a known bug, and is caused by Card Mod. Check the warning this readme section for more information on how to fix it.
Works as expected for me. You appear to have the same entity for both grid production & PV production ??