
[tutorial] Wrong popper position when initialized with display:none

Vovan-VE opened this issue · 5 comments

CodeSandbox demo


Steps to reproduce the problem

Follow tutorial: https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/tutorial/#functionality

  1. Both reference and popper are inside of container with position: relative (this is a part of page layout). Without position: relative in ant parents an arrow will be positioned wrong.
  2. Popper initialized being display: none, similar to tutorial.
  3. User trigger an event, so a popper became display: block, similar to tutorial.

Tutorial lead you right to the bug which wouldn't be fixed (#413).

What is the expected behavior?

A popper positioned correctly. Tutorial helps you. Tutorial does explain or mention a problem with display: none positioning, and doesn't advice well-known buggy things without well-known solutions to workaround them.

What went wrong?

A popper position is wrong at first render. However if you resize viewport or scroll it, a popper will take correct position. You are trying to research what did you do wrong. Tutorial mess you.

Any other comments?

floating-ui/floating-ui#413 was found a time ago after a bug hitted. I suppose, I should to initialize a popper only after it becomes display: block and destroy when it becomes display: none. In theory it should to work.

@popperjs/core: 2.6.0

I suppose, I should to initialize a popper only after it becomes display: block

Yes, with react-popper hook it now works correct if I render popper conditionally instead of playing with display:

  <div ...>reference</div>
  {visible && (
    <div ...>popper</div>

So, please, fix tutorial.


I'm not sure I understand your issue, the tutorial code creates a Popper instance after the tooltip is shown, and destroys it after it's hidden.

Where do you see it's trying to initialize Popper before?

Tutorial advices to use CSS rules to toggle display between none <=> block. By default it's none. If I'm wrong here?

However tutorial itself implements it in a different way:
But a reader doesn't suspect anything. I'm one on such reader. I did follow tutorial literally, and - ta-da - floating-ui/floating-ui#413 (wontfix) reproduced in action with help of tutorial.

I see what you mean, I just updated the tutorial with a cleaner approach. Please let me know how it looks now.