
Warning when running tests.

Dito-Orkodashvili opened this issue · 1 comments

There is an issue when running tests. It logs this warning:


I found the way to hide this warning in the Tooltip component like this:

const setup = async (props = {}) => {
  let result;
  await act(async () => {
    result = await render(<App />);
  return result;

But the issue is that I need to fight these warnings in all component tests where I use this Tooltip component. It even gets worse where the multiple Tooltip elements are rendered. It makes the tests log very messy and unusable.

I really love this library and don't want to drop using it because of this issue.

Reproduction demo


Steps to reproduce the problem

  • Just run the tests and look into the console

Package versions

  • "@popperjs/core": "2.10.2",
  • "react-popper": "2.2.5",

View here, applies to Popper as well: https://floating-ui.com/docs/react-dom#testing